Crimson Grace of Saree by Jaagruthi Sharma (poetry)

Crimson Grace of Saree by Jaagruthi Sharma
In folds of red, her saree flows,  
Like rivers of love only a mother knows.  
Her grace, a whisper of divinity's light,  
Wrapped in crimson, she holds me tight.  
My first love, beneath those woven threads,  
Her laughter like music, her touch as soft as beds.  
A mother, heaven’s reflection in a saree spun,  
Divinely feminine, in her, all life has begun.
- Jaagruthi Sharma 
Certificate to Jaagruthi Sharma from Sirene Publications

The above poem 'Crimson Grace of Saree' was written for the daily challenge 'Beauty of Saaree' conduct on 12th September 2024 by alpha letters, an unit of Sirene Publications.


  1. Uma Shanker

    Wow super πŸ‘πŸ‘

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